Share your notes with friends and family anytime - with just a few clicks ( Messenger, Twitter, Android, etc.) Get your hands on this powerful application for FREE. No subscription fees, NO per download charges. Simply download the free mobile version of SCRIBZEE onto your phone and start sharing your notes with your friends and family anywhere and anytime. With just one click (via Messenger, Twitter, Android, etc.) you can share your class notes with anyone, anywhere.
This simple, fun and free Pcmac user interface allows you to select what you want to share with others with just a few taps of your screen. And with the help of the thousands of existing themes available, there are literally hundreds of great ways to decorate your scribzee! Choose from fun animals, themes, colors, animals, music, etc. Select the latest trends and have fun surfing the thousands of themes that are available.
With just a few clicks of your smartphone, you can take your whole classroom along for the ride - even if your class is 50 students big. Share your notes with anyone, anywhere. Import your notes directly into your scribzee account and sort them by category, by day, by week or by the date you took the test. Receiving a bunch of study cards after you've been reviewing for weeks? Don't throw them out, share them with your friends and family (or use them for scrap paper) - even if they're not worth a cent.